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The Pediatric Group

Parenting Tips

Guidelines For Returning to Camp

The decision to send your child to camp this summer can be a difficult decision. If your child does not have any health concerns, the risk can be minimized by the camp following the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines. The CDC has provided camps with an 82 page guide to safely implement.

The field guidelines are available at

An overview of these guidelines are:

  1. Screening all campers prior to the start of camp and daily as they arrive at camp either by questionnaire or temperature monitoring or both.
  2. Limiting the amount of campers to help maintain social distance.
  3. Alternating drop off and pick up times.
  4. Utilizing disposable food trays, no cafeteria style food handling, separate condiments for each campers,
    for example, no shared ketchup containers etc.
  5. Water is safe but water equipment used should be cleaned at least daily, life vest should be cleaned
    between each camper.
  6. At sleep away camps, cots should be 6 feet apart with physical barrier between them and alternating
    head to feet positioning.
  7. Masks should be worn if social distancing cannot be maintained.

Please remind child to socially distance, wash hands frequently for 20 seconds and avoid touching their face.

These guidelines will help reduce the risk of transmission of COVID -19 through the camp but it cannot provide 100% guarantee of an infection free camp site.

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